4th Annual Worldwide Candle Lighting Ceremony in memory of our Children

Please share this information with everyone you know.2014 candle lighting ceremony logo

My husband Tony and I have hosted this event, this being our 4th year, and every year it actually blesses us as we are able to help others who have also lost a child.

We never know who will show up, but we know that whomever the Lord sends our way, we will embrace them and share our experience which in turn helps them at the same time.

Losing a child is hard enough, but during the holidays it is much harder to cope….this is our effort to not only keep our children’s memory alive, but also help those of us left behind to cope with this pain.

Here are the details for our event in Reedley on this Sunday December 14th♥

Flier for Candle Lighting Ceremony


Priscilla L. Brooks, Cliff’s Mom♥

For more details, you can email me at CliffsStory.com@gmail.com