Category Archives: Support Groups

World Suicide Prevention Week/Day September 10, 2015

As we approach “World Suicide Prevention” Week, we will light a candle at 8pm on September 10, 2015 in remembrance of our loved ones who have left us.

May was “Mental Health Awareness” month, Mother’s Day, the 10 year celebration of losing my son Cliff, and the loss of 10 day old Makayla Grace the very next day ♥

May 2015 just about did me in.  But we had our 4th Annual “Suicide Prevention/Awareness Walk scheduled along with our “Open House Celebration” for Cliff’s Story, Inc. scheduled for June 6th, and nothing would stop this from happening.

I am here on this earth for a very specific reason, and that is to spread the word of “Suicide Prevention”.  My very own son was sacrificed so that others could live♥

Please watch this video I made from the photos/video from our event at “Cliff’s Story”.  And share with everyone you know….it is sometimes easier to share a video than it is to speak.  Who do you know that is suffering in silence?  You may never know…..SHARE the Video ♥

Priscilla L Brooks, Cliff’s Mom ♥

May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

As we kick off the month of May… is a busy and very sad month indeed.

Mother’s Day is upon us…..the saddest day of the year for me♥

Annual Candlelight Ceremony May 7th  @ Hope Lutheran Church

My first major Speaking engagement in front of a bunch of folks in Selma, CA on May 15th

The Anniversary of my son’s death…..May 25th.  This year will mark 10 years since he took his life.

Very busy month indeed….perhaps that is how I will get through May this year better than the past 9 of them after Cliff’s death…..

Sooo, May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I attended a Youth Forum in Clovis, CA sponsored by the Fresno Survivors of Suicide Loss yesterday May 2nd.

There were 23 youngsters who reached out for help and they were given support and resources!  Such a blessing♥

Our keynote speaker was the one and only “Kevin Hines05-02-15  kevin speaking If you do not know him, you need to get to know him!  He is an amazing human being, and his story will absolutely touch you deeply!♥

I was fortunate to meet Stan Collins with Directing Change.  He too has a story…one of struggles but he now shares his stories with youth so they can learn to know how to help others who may have thoughts of suicide. Stan at Youth Forum 5-2-2015 He showed several videos of California students who have entered an annual contest over the years, and one boy who placed in this years contest from Kingsburg, CA  I will be reaching out to our youth here in Fresno County CA and specifically the South County so we can have more entries next year!  Let’s find the talented, and gifted students in our very own back yard and represent the “559” well!  Such an amazing cause and such talent!♥

Get involved, spread the word!  If you don’t know how to talk to someone with thoughts of suicide, reach out to me and I will get you training on the subject.  It isn’t hard….it is actually very simple, and it just may save someones life!♥

Join us June 6th at the 4th Annual Suicide Prevention Walk/Open House in Reedley, CA ♥

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom♥

me and kevin 5-2-2015

Way to go Mark Henick

Mark HenickWe need to talk about Suicide…..thank you Mark Henick for doing just that.

We are all blessed by you, and you will continue to bless others for many years to come.  You may not know who they are, but you will make a difference in there lives all the same.

Take a moment to hear Mark’s message……


Please share this post… may have someone in your life suffering and you don’t even know it.

Let’s keep the conversation going and make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling.

May you all be blessed ♥

Priscilla L. Brooks, Cliff’s Mom ♥

12th Annual Fun Run/Walk ~ Fresno Survivors of Suicide Loss

On this day, which is National Suicide Prevention Day, I would ask that you please help me spread the word…..

I have put together a team called “TEAM CLIFFORD” and we will be walking on September 27th in Woodward Park in Fresno, CA at 8:00 am sharp.


Please consider joining our team whether or not you are able to physically attend.  Click to print the Registration Form.

I appreciate all who are able to donate….please go to the Fresno SOS donation page, donate your $20 through Pay Pal and then forward your receipt to me so I can keep track.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much!

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom ♥


RIP my precious son Cliff ♥

03-07-78  ~  05-25-05

Cliff is Born  200 x 262

Candle Lighting  CliffordToday marks the 9th anniversary of when I lost my precious son Cliff♥

We lost him to suicide, and I now reach out to others in hopes that I can save lives in my son’s name.  Cliff is helping others even though his flesh has left this earth.

The only peace I feel is that I know he is now healed from this evil disease that society tends to isolate people from.

We must spread the word of “Suicide Prevention Awareness“, after all, mental illness is a disease just like any other disease, ie cancer, leukemia, diabetes.  We wouldn’t turn our backs on them, so we need to start “talking” and embracing the subject.  That is the only way we will get comfortable in helping those struck with this disease.

Today, in honor of my son, all I ask is that you “smile” at a stranger instead of just walking by “minding your own business”.  Acknowledge people, smile, spread the Love!  There are some people who feel very alone, and as if the world would be better without them!

We are all here for a reason!  Even the precious people who have been stricken with “mental illness”.  They are not contagious, but our smile, our touch, our hearts can be contagious to them! ♥

SAVE a Life Today ♥

Please Reach Out Today!  Show Love Today in memory of my sweet Cliff♥

Mental Gathering at Saddleback Church cilla looking at note to Cliff

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom ♥


3rd Annual “Suicide Prevention Walk” in Reedley 6-07-14



Jason Matkin ~ Stay With Me

Take a few minutes to watch this musical video performed by Jason Matkin…….

Please know that if you are in a state of depression, if the pain is just too much to bare anymore, YOU matter!  YOU are special, unique and LOVED! ♥

Please reach out for help one last time……if you don’t many hearts will be broken.

I know this because I lost my son May 25th 2005 and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t hurt deeply because he is gone.  My life will never be the same without him.  I am NOT better off without him! ♥

Priscilla,customLogo Cliff’s Mom ♥Mental Gathering at Saddleback Church cilla looking at note to Cliff


The Warren Family speaks about “Suicide” on The View

I had the pleasure to attend the “Mental Health” Gathering at Saddleback Church in Orange County in March.  Pastor Rick Warren and many others gathered to learn and share about many different areas of mental illness.Mental Gathering at Saddleback Church  It was an amazing day filled with speakers, as well as a time to remember our loved ones lost to suicide as well.Saddleback Church

Wall at Saddleback Church

Today The Warren Family spoke about the suicide of their son Matthew…..check it out♥

Suicide is linked to mental illness, and it is just that, “an illness”. Many people feel disgraced if this is in their family and we need to stop that type of thinking. If your brain is ill, it is usually short circuiting, and we should not treat them as if they have the “plague”!

I understand that many people shy away from it because they just don’t understand it, or they just are not sure what to do. But we need to talk about it, we need to open up the dialogue with our children and our entire families! Talking to someone about suicide does not cause them to commit suicide. However, on the other hand, if we ignore somebody because we know they are struggling, we won’t have the chance to try and save them.

Help me to raise awareness! We can all do it! Don’t lose a loved one of your own before you are willing to just show some kindness and let them know they matter!

Thank you ♥
Priscilla, Cliff’s MomLogo-with-ribbon









*If you missed the event in March at Saddleback Church and would like to watch the videos ====>  Click Here

3rd Annual Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk in Reedley


Our 3rd Annual Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk will be held again this year in Reedley, CA on June 7th. Registration begins at 6:15 pm. Take a moment or two to watch the video below ♥



We are selling t-shirts and need to have 20 sold by Mother’s Day…..please consider purchasing a shirt.
They cost $25 ====>
front of tshirtThank you all so very much for helping me spread Suicide Prevention Awareness. You never know who is suffering silently!back of tshirt

2014 suicide prevention walk - reedley flier legal


Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom ♥
