He is Born!

March 7, 1978 @ 10:42 pm in Glendale, CA


March 7, 1978

It had been 9 months of limiting my salt intake, it was actually my due date.  I had been having some cramps all day; I had spoken to my mom on the phone and told her about it in the afternoon.   You see, my contractions were never regular…..what I mean is….they did not start at being 15 min. apart and then go down to 10 min., etc.  They were all over the place.  Mom and I had attended LaMaz classes, so I knew what to expect, I just thought that  at the most, this was just false labor. I wasn’t in any pain, just a little uncomfortable.

 This was her late night to work at the temp agency in Pasadena, Ca…….she gave me a call later in the day (actually it was early evening) and had me explain what my tummy looked like during one of these “cramps”……next thing I knew, mom was on her way home.

We arrived at Glendale Community Hospital at approx. 8pm……it seems that I had already dialated to 3 centimeters, and I almost gave birth to Cliff in the room…..we barely made it to the delivery room before Cliff was born.  A little after 2 1/2 hours after arriving at the hospital.  He looked like a full size baby…..you know, kind of like he was 3 months old!  He was 8 lbs. 15 oz.  just one ounce shy of being 9 lbs. and 21 inches long!

He was absolutely beautiful!  What a happy baby he was!

If he was fussy and nothing seemed to make him happy, all you had to do was take him outside, and he was at peace!

He always was Mr. Nature….loved animals, loved to fish, etc. etc. etc.

I don’t think there was a happier baby on this planet.  He really was a perfect baby!

He truly was my gift from god…..he got my life back on the straight and narrow…..my son saved my life!