I have a BIG dream!

I have a BIG Dream!  I will be putting together a non profit foundation in Cliff’s name.  This is not new, but I was struggling with how I could utilize my own gifts and passion, that would also be something Cliff would have been a part of!


So, I have come up with the answer.  I have always wanted to rescue horses that have been injured, or perhaps have just gotten too old to race.  They are such a beautiful animal, and growing up I was always riding and participating in different competitions.  My son also had a passion for horses, and he would have really enjoyed helping me on this adventure.

So, as I put together this foundation, we will utilize the saving of these animals to also provide a place for those suffering from Bi-Polar disorder to come and help these animals, which will also help them as well.  I want to give them every chance to take care of themselves as I know that Cliff always wanted that.  Because of their illness they are not always able to keep a steady job, but desire it so very much.  I also will have them be a part of the main household, preparing meals, keeping the grounds clean, keeping the house clean, tending to the horses, etc.  Basically teaching them life skills while understanding their condition and giving them every possible chance to succeed in life.  Mental illness is often times swept under the rug, and it is very sad.  Nobody asks to suffer from mental illness, and unlike other illnesses, often times they have nowhere to turn to other than perhaps a mental institution that will medicate them to a point of non existence.  Please help me with this dream!  I am committed to my local Relay for Life Event as Event Chair for the next 2 years, but I am going to utilize this time to put together a group of interested parties in seeing this Dream of mine come to fruition.  If you or somebody you know would be interested in bringing your personal gifts to the table and get this foundation established, I would love to speak with you!  You can email me your contact information at cliffsstory@gmail.com    Thank you!  Cliffs Mom~ Priscilla 😉