Tag Archives: Priscilla Brooks

Program 12-9-12 Worldwide Candle Lighting Ceremony

Find a LIVE ceremony near you ♥ Click Here

At 7pm your local time, please light a candle in remembrance of your child to whom you have lost to death way to early. This special day began in 1997 by the organization CompassionateFriends.org We will begin our program below once you have lit your candle and go until 8pm. This starts in New Zealand I believe and goes across the globe worldwide. What a special way to remember our children. I began this new tradition last year and will continue on every year until I breath no longer.

Welcome from Cliff’s Mom Priscilla 🙂
[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Welcome-from-Cliffs-Mom-Priscilla.mp3|titles=Welcome from Cliffs Mom Priscilla]
Poem Reading 1 – “Memories”
[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Poem-1-Memories.mp3|titles=Poem 1 Memories]
[tentblogger-youtube JmyUgsmCzB4]
Reading 2 – “The Double Rainbows”
[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Poem-2-The-Double-Rainbows.mp3|titles=Poem 2 The Double Rainbows]
[tentblogger-youtube b8q_7iVQF0w]
Poem Reading 3 – “In Your Heart”
[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Poem-3-In-Your-Heart.mp3|titles=Poem 3 In Your Heart]
[tentblogger-youtube 1SiylvmFI_8]
Poem Reading 4 – “Tears”
[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Poem-4-Tears.mp3|titles=Poem 4 Tears]
[tentblogger-youtube YcjYoUUJ9sQ]
Poem Reading 5 – “When GOD calls our Children”
[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Poem-5-When-GOD-calls-our-Children.mp3|titles=Poem 5 When GOD calls our Children]
[tentblogger-youtube -hASQH9EfQA]
Poem Reading 6 – “The Cord”
[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Poem-6-The-Cord.mp3|titles=Poem 6 The Cord]
[tentblogger-youtube IBHEJtqKjkk]
Poem Reading 7 – “My First Christmas in Heaven”
[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Poem-7-My-first-Christmas-in-Heaven.mp3|titles=Poem 7 My first Christmas in Heaven]
[tentblogger-youtube 4Qtvf94sCY4]

[audio:http://cliffsstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Enjoy-the-video-A-Moment-in-Heaven-until-8pm.mp3|titles=Enjoy the video A Moment in Heaven until 8pm]
[tentblogger-youtube 44YGF9fmEEo]

Click here to enter in the 2012 Remembrance Book


Below we remember our children…….
Clifford E. Widmer, III 3-07-78 – 5-25-05



Timothy Cramer, Jr.


If you have a loved one you would like added to this blog, please email your photo to CliffsStory.com@gmail.com


Thank you! 🙂
Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom

Christmas Eve call with Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom

I will be hosting a call this evening for anyone who is missing a loved one during this time of year. I know just how you feel. So please call in and lets share together. 😉

Here is the call in information:

Call in information: 559-546-1200 Meeting ID# 440-924-308# Promptly at 7pm PST

Please call in about 5 minutes before if you can…..I will keep the lines open for 15 minutes. If I do not have any callers by then, I will just end the call.

My goal is to just be here for anyone who may need to call in and share with others going through the same heartache during the Holidays.

Lets share about our loved ones together! They will never be forgotten, and will always be in our hearts!

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom 😉

Today Show; stress less holiday

Did you see the segment on the Today Show this morning?  It was regarding having a stress less holiday.  I have the video below…..take a look at it!


Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Now they are speaking about families that have split up here, but this pertains to those who have lost loved ones to death as well. Often times there are children left as well. Keep this in mind, and try to make a new tradition that will not make it so hard on you because your loved one is not there.

Join me this evening on my weekly call as we talk a bit about the holidays, and perhaps how we can make new traditions that will help us get through the holidays. Also, I have some sources for discounted drugs, drug cards, and in some cases programs for free drugs.

Call in information: 559-546-1200 Meeting ID# 440-924-308# Promptly at 7pm PST

You are welcome to call in and discuss this with me, or just share about your loved one, and maybe even a suggestion on how you will start a new tradition this year!

I look forward to hearing from you all tonight!

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom

100 Reasons to Stay

I ran across this video this morning on Facebook.  It is a great reminder of why we should stay.  Take a minute to watch this video, and if you are in crisis, please click on the Suicide Prevention Lifeline logo to the right and get help!


100 Reasons to Stay from Lauren Taylor on Vimeo.

You are loved!

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom 😉

Monday Night Call inspired by Graeme Cowan

Hello everyone!
As you may or may not know, I have a Monday night call that I do each and every week. This is my outreach to you, so if there is ever anything specific you would like to cover, please let me know. I would love to share whatever you might be needing.
On Monday, 12-12-11 @ 7pm PST you can call into my call. I am no longer broadcasting via Blog Talk Radio due to technical difficulties I had last week, but I do post the call onto Blog Talk Radio after so it can be listened to by others.

Here is the call in information….

Call 559-546-1200 Meeting ID# 440-924-308

This information will not change. The call in number and meeting ID will be the same every week.

So, mark your calendars for Monday evening and call in about 5 minutes before the start.


This week I will be talking about an author I found by the name of Graeme Cowan. He suffered from severe depression for over 5 years.
I also attended a webinar that he did today on enhancing your wellbeing during the holiday season. I will share information from that webinar as well.
He has also written a book, and I have an excerpt from that book that may give you an idea of whether or not you would like to purchase it.
Back from the Brink, Graeme Cowan
Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom

Karma’s Story

Karma’s Story….from the GentleBarn.org

Our task must be to free ourselves….by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.  ~Albert Einstein
Watch this video about Karma……so touching!~


Some day we will save animals just as they do at the Gentle Barn at “Clifford’s House”.
Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom