Category Archives: Holiday Call

Thanksgiving Morning with Cliff’s Mom 2016

autumn-1756230_1920I will again be hosting a call/meeting  on Thanksgiving Morning at 8am PST

Here is the link to the meeting;

See instructions below:

Priscilla L Brooks is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,7044418352# or +16465588656,7044418352#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 704 441 8352
International numbers available:

Please be sure to test on your device prior to this time just in case you need to download an application or software.  I wouldn’t want you to miss anything.

For several years now I have had a call on Thanksgiving morning for all of you mom’s out there missing a child.  Thanksgiving also sort of kicks off the holiday season, and this is a very tough time of year.

turkey-1456681_1280So come join me Thanksgiving morning and let’s talk about our children.  Perhaps share something special about them, or a special food they liked you to make, whatever you would like to talk about.  I am here to listen and to share.

Much love! ♥

Cliff’s Mom, Priscilla ♥


***Here is the replay of “Thanksgiving Morning with Cliff’s Mom 2016”


Remembering Cliff ♥

Today, March 7th 2015, my only son, Clifford Edwin Widmer, III Candle Lighting  Cliffordwould have turned 37.  So today I will remember him, all of our fond memories, and rejoice in what is to come because of his death.

The articles of incorporation for Cliff’s Story, Inc. were sent in a couple of weeks ago, and I expect the filed copy back in the mail very soon.  This is the first step in creating a non-profit in Cliff’s name so his legacy will live on for lifetimes to come.

To get an idea of what the vision is for the non-profit, check out the “Press Release” on this blog.  It explains not only why I am so passionate about it, but why it will keep Cliff’s legacy alive.

Cliffords House

Cliff was such a kind soul.  He loved nature and the outdoors.  I remember when he was only a baby, if he was crying or fussy, all I had to do was take him outside.  He immediately got quiet and seemed at peace.

cliff_riding_a_horse_e63e3_SmallCliff also loved animals….all types of animals.  He was an excellent fisherman, and loved the water.  From a very young age he was drawn to the water.  He was a natural swimmer, so thankfully we didn’t have to worry about him drowning.

I haven’t in the past been so melancholy on Cliff’s birthday, but today I can’t seem to shake it.  So instead, I am going to continue to remember him today and put everything else to the side for the day.  I don’t do that much, but when I am slowed down, I have learned to embrace it, and feel it.  Truly feel it.

If your child, or someone you know has lost their life, you know that it can be sad remembering them, but also very uplifting.  As a mother, when you lose a child, you lose a part of you.  A part of your being, a part of your soul.  You truly never are the same as you were before.

I have learned over time that I am different, will remain different than before his death, and I am okay with that.heart with clouds

If today I could ask just one thing from all of you, just have nothing but LOVE in your heart today.  Think of only positive, beautiful things, smile a lot and spread it around you.  That would be quite a blessing for not only me but for my son as well!

If you are suffering a loss today…..embrace the grief.  You must feel it and experience it if you are going to get through it.  It is tough, very tough and I wouldn’t wish it upon even an enemy.  Although I really don’t have enemies, you get the idea. 🙂

Mom and Cliff at the LA ZooThank you for spending a few minutes with me today as I remember my beautiful boy.

I miss him every moment of the day, and putting together this non-profit will keep his name alive.  That is what gets me up every day, and pushes me forward when all I want to do is collapse.

Love to you all my friends! ♥

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom♥


4th Annual Candle Lighting Ceremony in Reedley ~ Remembering our Children

As we work hard towards getting through this holiday season, lets remember all of the children who were lost too soon ♥

We will be meeting at Changes Salon in Reedley; 1761 11th Street.  Registration begins at 6pm.  If you are out of the area or unable to grieve in public, I have recorded a ceremony just for you below.

May God Bless you this season♥


[tentblogger-youtube yUjuGqVE8Rg]

===>2014 Remembrance Book <===

Don’t forget to enter a message in the Remembrance Book Above


Candle Lighting Ceremony -  Anthony KempherCandle Lighting  Clifford


jason Lighting Christian Sr Pic

4th Annual Worldwide Candle Lighting Ceremony in memory of our Children

Please share this information with everyone you know.2014 candle lighting ceremony logo

My husband Tony and I have hosted this event, this being our 4th year, and every year it actually blesses us as we are able to help others who have also lost a child.

We never know who will show up, but we know that whomever the Lord sends our way, we will embrace them and share our experience which in turn helps them at the same time.

Losing a child is hard enough, but during the holidays it is much harder to cope….this is our effort to not only keep our children’s memory alive, but also help those of us left behind to cope with this pain.

Here are the details for our event in Reedley on this Sunday December 14th♥

Flier for Candle Lighting Ceremony


Priscilla L. Brooks, Cliff’s Mom♥

For more details, you can email me at

Christmas Eve call with Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom

I will be hosting a call this evening for anyone who is missing a loved one during this time of year. I know just how you feel. So please call in and lets share together. 😉

Here is the call in information:

Call in information: 559-546-1200 Meeting ID# 440-924-308# Promptly at 7pm PST

Please call in about 5 minutes before if you can…..I will keep the lines open for 15 minutes. If I do not have any callers by then, I will just end the call.

My goal is to just be here for anyone who may need to call in and share with others going through the same heartache during the Holidays.

Lets share about our loved ones together! They will never be forgotten, and will always be in our hearts!

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom 😉