Tag Archives: #CliffordsHouse

Thanksgiving Morning with Cliff’s Mom 2015



If you have lost a child, a child of any age, under any circumstances, then you know the pain that is felt on a daily basis.Mom and Cliff in PA

People sometimes don’t quite understand that this pain, while it becomes manageable at some point, still is a struggle on a daily basis, and even more during the holidays.

Mom and Cliff at the LA ZooSome Holidays are harder than others for me, but can be very different for others. You see, our pain, our grief, our journey while very similiar, they are also very different and unique.

I started doing this call several years ago, and it is quite amazing to Cliff and his surf boardme, but it seems like I always skip a year in between. I don’t consciously do this, so I am not sure why. But I guess that when the Universe needs me, I step up and make it happen. I also think that perhaps it is because I have gotten to a somewhat peaceful place surrounding my sons death. One where I am now able to reach out more completely to others who are raw in the grief of their child. I naturally gravitate towards the Moms…we share a unique bond with our children and can relate to one another.

Cliff-and-Zach-cropped.jpgSo, if you would like to join me on Thanksgiving Morning, sign up below and I will add you to the list of participants. This is not a public link, I keep it very safe for everyone. However, that being said, please know that there are many moms out there that are still not comfortable being somewhere public, even if it is online. So the live hangout will be streaming at http://CliffsStory.org the morning of the live hangout. So, if you are uncomfortable with that, I completely understand. I just want Candle Lighting Ceremony-CliffsStory.com  Cliffordeveryone to understand how much you mean to me, your pain is very similiar to my pain, and I just continue to reach everyone, even if I am unaware you are watching. I sometimes don’t even know you, or even if anyone else participated, and that is okay.

I reach out to others which also helps me with my pain as well

Lynette and PriscillaPriscilla L Brooks, Cliff’s Mom

Click Here to watch the previous Hangout