Thanksgiving 2018 with Cliff’s Mom♥

Thanksgiving 2018 with Cliff’s Mom

I know for many of my Survivor Moms and Bereaved Moms this can be a very tough time of the year for you.

I have been going live for several years now on  Thanksgiving morning, and I will again be doing the same this year.

So go to our Cliff’s Story page on Facebook on Thanksgiving morning and we will share our stories of our children together!

Make sure to click on “Following” and then turn notification “On”  That way you will be notified when I go LIVE on the page.

Please do me a favor and share this post to all of your friends and ask them to do the same.  There are many people who suffer in silence.  However, this is my outreach to those who still need to be anonymous but need a little help during the holidays.  To be around people who understand what they are going through.

Often times it isn’t our close friends and family who can help us.  It sometimes needs to be strangers.  Those who do not judge or have any previous experience with us.  They need to feel safe.

pumpkins on table

Thank you everyone!  Be Blessed this 2018 Thanksgiving Holiday!

Hug all of your children and family.  And remember to be extra kind this week

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom
