Tag Archives: gentlebarn.org

Karma’s Story

Karma’s Story….from the GentleBarn.org

Our task must be to free ourselves….by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.  ~Albert Einstein
Watch this video about Karma……so touching!~


Some day we will save animals just as they do at the Gentle Barn at “Clifford’s House”.
Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom



The Gentle Barn

In my research today, I stumbled across this amazing place.  This is an animal rescue Ranch on 6 acres in Santa Clarita, and similar to my BIG DREAM of CLIFFORD’S HOUSE, they help mentally challenged folks, as well as abused children, and kids who have been in gangs, etc.  Take a look at this video!


I plan on visiting this facility and as many others as I can find, as I take this journey towards my BIG DREAM of CLIFFORD’S HOUSE.

Go check out this story at http://gentlebarn.org

Priscilla, Cliff’s Mom